The articles

Classified by theme, articles from the general public, academic publications and books to discover or explore subjects at the heart of innovation and social entrepreneurship.
- Towards strategic philanthropy
- Notre-Dame and Venice: why such a discrepancy in generosity?
- Historically contested concepts. A conceptual history of philanthropy in France, 1712-1914
- La philanthropie des femmes : un phénomène invisibilisé / Women’s philanthropy: an invisible phenomenon
- Philanthropists in democracy
- Towards strategic philanthropy
- Philanthropy: a family affair
- Beyond the opposition between altruism and self-interest: reciprocal giving in reward-based crowdfunding

Financing social innovation
- Assessing social impact: the foundation of all impact investing
- The Schatzman Report: Financing social innovation
Social impact assessment and measurement
- A Short Guide to Social Impact Assessment
- Social innovation: the best impact assessment method depends on how far the project has progressed
- Social impact assessment: the foundation of all impact investing
- Overview of social impact assessment in France
- Impact unicorns: the new age of valuation?
- Impact measurement is a complex and ever-changing market
- Measuring the social impact of specialized prevention: a catalyst for local cooperation
- Impact design: How can social impact assessment be operationalised to foster social innovation in the SSE sector?

Alliances and hybrid models
- The keys to successful hybrid management
- Reconciling the social economy with tech, the other challenge of the digital transition
- What Happens When a Company (Like Patagonia) Transfers Ownership to a Non profit?
Corporate social responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility

Creation and development of social enterprises
- Social economy and social entrepreneurship
Public innovation
- Action publique


Towards strategic philanthropy
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Notre-Dame and Venice: why such a discrepancy in generosity?
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Historically contested concepts. A conceptual history of philanthropy in France, 1712-1914
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La philanthropie des femmes : un phénomène invisibilisé / Women’s philanthropy: an invisible phenomenon
The Conversation, March 2021

Beyond the opposition between altruism and self-interest: reciprocal giving in reward-based crowdfunding
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Philanthropists in democracy
PUF, April 2021
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Philanthropy: a family affair
Autrement, 2014
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Towards strategic philanthropy
Odile Jacob, 2020
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Financing impact innovation

Assessing social impact: the foundation of impact investing
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The Schatzman report: how to finance social innovation?
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Social impact assessment and measurement

Social Impact Assessment Primer #2
ESSEC EMISE Laboratory, AVISE, Mouvement Impact France, November 2021
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Social innovation: the best impact assessment method depends on how far the project has progressed
The Conversation, March 2021
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Assessing social impact: the foundation of impact investing
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Overview of social impact assessment in France
Labo EMISE and Impact Tank November 2021
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Impact unicorns: the new age of valuation?
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Measuring the social impact of specialized prevention: a catalyst for local cooperation
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Impact measurement is a complex and ever-changing market
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Impact design: how can social impact assessment be operationalised to foster social innovation in the SSE sector?
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Alliances and hybrid models

Reconciling the social economy with tech, the other challenge of the digital transition
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What happens when a company (like Patagonia) transfers ownership to a non-profit?
Harvard Business Review, October 2022
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The keys to successful hybrid management
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CSR and social enterprises

Corporate Social Responsibility
Measures put in place to ensure compliance with the principles of sustainable development in the company’s activities.
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Creation and development of social enterprises

Social economy and social entrepreneurship
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Public innovation

Action publique
New methods are being developed for the emergence of solutions, and a new ecosystem of players is emerging.
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