Funding social innovation


There are many sources of funding for impact projects, and today, with the development of impact investing and green finance, new business models are emerging.

The aim of this course is to introduce you to the different types of funding available to social innovation promoters. From impact investing to grants and hybrid business models, you’ll discover how to finance a social project and become a true agent of change;

1. Discover the subject by listening to the people involved:

In this series of podcasts, you’ll discover the different ways in which social innovation can be financed.

2. Further reflection :

Explore the strengths and weaknesses of France’s social innovation financing ecosystem by reading the report “Financer l’innovation sociale” (“Financing social innovation”) by the working group led by Jérôme Schatzman.

Read the report of the working group led by Jérôme Schatzman: Financing social innovation

Submitted in June 2020 to the High Commissioner for the Social Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation, it contains 21 proposals to encourage and better finance social innovation in France

3. Acquire the fundamentals

The MOOC “L’impact investing : être acteur” will show you how to raise funds for an impact project. It will give you a better understanding of investor expectations, how fundraising works and the social impact indicators that social entrepreneurs need to have at their disposal;

Impact investing: taking an active role

Approx. 8 hours to finish

Learn more

4. Taking action :

Earn the French Fundraising Certificate


France’s first certification course dedicated to resource development, the Certificat Français du Fundraising (CFF) is a milestone for all professionals in the non-profit sector. Conducted in partnership with ESSEC and its Philanthropy Chair, the certificate is a genuine professionalization tool for your fundraising strategies.

Social Impact Assessment Observatory

Our other thematic training courses

Creating an impact business

If you want to change the world and have a taste for entrepreneurship, you want to create your own social enterprise!

Scaling up

Your project has found its impact model and its business model. Now you want to maximize your impact.

Transforming an organization

You’re thinking about your organization’s raison d’être and want it to contribute to the social and ecological transition.

Funding social innovation

You want to better understand and analyze the challenges of financing social innovation, and become a player in the field.

Assessing impact

You want to be able to assess the social or environmental impact of organizations, and use it as a management tool.